Why buy spinning fiber from me?
… A good question. I have sold high quality handspinning fiber blends
since 1998. I don’t sell a product I wouldn’t spin myself! I have loyal repeat
customers and lovingly welcome new ones!
Here are a couple of emails I recently received…. I get emails like this
regularly from my customers:
My box came today and as always it is
full of yummy delightful fibers! I may not be able to go to Maryland Sheep and
Wool show, but I can enjoy my box from Julie! Happy early birthday to ME!
Thank you for the hard work you do to be able to offer your lovely products to
me-I truly appreciate it!
“Hi Julie,
WOW ! Those fibers are to die for ! Thank you for the extra bit – it was not
necessary but greatly appreciated.
Still not sure whether to plunk down your hard-earned cash on an item you
can’t feel before you decide to buy? Drop me an email, I’ll send you a
THANK YOU for stopping by! Drop me an email with any questions!
Julie / aka juliespins